半導體奈米層狀結構及其製作方法 semiconductor nano layer structure and manufacturing method thereof
一種合成具有特定功能半導體奈米線結構,進而將具一種或一種以上特定功能半導體奈米線組裝製作成超薄膜片或紙張之製造方法,應用於可捲曲(flexible)半導體電子元件、光電元件、化學感測器、生物感測器、觸控壓力感測器、太陽能電池、熱電晶片、壓電晶片或發電機、電池電極、顯示器、量子電子元件等。此一特定功能奈米線網狀超薄膜片或紙張可以是單獨存在(free standing),也可以與紡織品、紙、塑膠、玻璃、橡膠、高分子聚合物、金屬箔片等可捲曲材料結合,達到輕、薄、耐高溫、熱穩定佳、可捲曲、多功能作用,藉以提升其效能。
A method for manufacturing a semiconductor nano layer structure includes: two substrates are provided; a plurality of semiconductor nanowires are formed on one of the substrates; an absorption surface is formed on the other substrate; one of the substrates is fixed on a cylindrical roller, the cylindrical roller is brought into contact with a surface of the substrate which is stationary and is not fixed on the cylindrical roller, and rolled with a constant velocity and pressure so that the semiconductor nanowires are break, detached, transferred and absorbed, and a semiconductor nano layer structure is formed on the stationary substrate; a de-laminating process is performed to separate the semiconductor nano layer structure from the second substrate; an electric Joule heat welding process is locally performed to bond each of the semiconductor nanowires of the semiconductor nano layer structure or each semiconductor nano layer structure.
一種可折式便攜植栽盒,主要包含有:一折板,具有一板體及多數依預定間隔平行設於該板體上之折痕,由該等折痕將該板體區隔出多數可相互彎折之區塊,該等區塊包含有一位於中段位置之種植區塊、一連接於該種植區塊一側之第一工具區塊、一連接於該種植區塊另一側之第二工具區塊、一連接於該第一工具區塊一側之第一標示區塊、一連接於該第二工具區塊一側之第二標示區塊、一連接於該第一標示區塊一側之第一提把區塊及一連接於該第二標示區塊一側之第二提把區塊,該種植區塊上具有一容置區,該第一工具區塊上具有一可供工具放置之第一工具槽區, 該第二工具區塊上具有一可供工具放置之第二工具槽區,該第一提把區塊上具有一第一提把孔,該第二提把區塊上具有一第二提把孔;該扳板可以藉由不同方式之彎折,而達到便於攜帶與展示之功效,並能將種植植物所需之工具整合放入於該折板中,以避免發生忘記攜帶工具之情形。