
半導體奈米層狀結構及其製作方法 semiconductor nano layer structure and manufacturing method thereof

A method for manufacturing a semiconductor nano layer structure includes: two substrates are provided; a plurality of semiconductor nanowires are formed on one of the substrates; an absorption surface is formed on the other substrate; one of the substrates is fixed on a cylindrical roller, the cylindrical roller is brought into contact with a surface of the substrate which is stationary and is not fixed on the cylindrical roller, and rolled with a constant velocity and pressure so that the semiconductor nanowires are break, detached, transferred and absorbed, and a semiconductor nano layer structure is formed on the stationary substrate; a de-laminating process is performed to separate the semiconductor nano layer structure from the second substrate; an electric Joule heat welding process is locally performed to bond each of the semiconductor nanowires of the semiconductor nano layer structure or each semiconductor nano layer structure.


離子濃度分析設備及阻抗量測裝置 A new circuit measuring ionic sensors of EIS

本發明所揭EIS離子感測器之新型量測電路,其係經適當線性化步驟,可達到十分滿意之正比線性關係。據此不僅可改善高階LCR Meter之缺點,有效降低製造成本,具有高準確度,並且方便攜帶。


具有掌壓按摩與電子錢包之拐杖 Massage therapy and electronic purse stick



太陽能植物生長照射燈 The Growth Light of Plant with Solar Power

一種太陽能植物生長照射燈,包含有:一傘架、一軟質太陽能板及一照射燈具;該傘架等分設置複數個傘骨架及提供支撐力的傘支架,以中心呈開啟或收折狀;該軟質太陽能 板係以環狀鋪設於傘架頂緣並於底面設有一電池當接收太陽光後轉換成電力儲存於電池中;而該照射燈具設有複數個不同顏色的發光二極體,藉以該軟質太陽能板接收太陽光後轉換成電力後,透過電池提供電力照射燈具供發光照明,進而促進植物生長、植物產 量、減少病蟲害。


具有警示燈之雨傘 The Umbrella with Warning Light

一種具有警示燈之雨傘,一傘骨架、若干的傘支架及固設於傘支架的一傘布面所構成,該傘骨架包含定巢座及動巢座,定巢座設在傘骨架頂端部,動巢座套裝在傘骨架 上,而該傘支架環設傘架上,並且,該傘支架上具有若干之線路;一軟性燈條係設 置於傘骨架且位於傘布面內側,並且該軟性燈條電性連接於傘支架之線路,其中:該 傘支架之末端設有水電池與傘支架之線路相連結,提供電源供軟性燈條使用,而傘骨架與傘布面交錯之內側之具有操控軟性燈條的控制電路,當下雨時,雨水由該傘布面流至該傘支架末端,而該水電池具有一朝上提供雨水注入的容置槽,藉由化學轉換後, 使注入的雨水轉換成電能,使該電能輸出至控制電路,該控制電路提供輸出控制信號給軟性燈條。


半導體奈米層狀結構及其製作方法 semiconductor nano layer structure and manufacturing method thereof

